Category Archives: iOS development

iOS development relative

An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different string

invalid app id 在 adhoc build 時出現 Invalid app id 的錯誤訊息 奇怪的是很久之前可以,現在卻不行 解決方法是 將原來「由Xcode代為產生的 adhoc provision profile」全部刪掉 自己重新設定「adhoc provision profile」即可 app id 與原來的相同

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終於 – iTunes Connect 改善了

以前上架 iOS app 時 都要上傳各尺寸的螢幕截圖 3.5″ 4″ 4.7″ 5.5.” 四種大小 如果每個 5 張,就得要 5×4=20 張 今天上架時 發現只要上傳最大的解析度即可 5.5″ (1242×2208) 其他較小的尺寸預設就會自動套用 (當然,如果要自己上傳各尺寸也是可以) 真是 iOS Developer 的一大福音…

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簡單學日語 下架了

由於此書的版權擁有者要求此 app 下架 否則提出侵權告訴 所以此 app 已經下架了

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Facebook Signin Practice Log

Facebook signin ios Follow the official document procedure 1.Download SDK and setup the environment Create new Facebook app 2.Configure the XCode project parameters Info.plist For AppTransportSecurity parameters, you can follow the Facebook direction, or you can just “allow … Continue reading

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Google SignIn iOS practice log

Google Sign-in for iOS 1.Download GoogleSignIn SDK There are two ways to get the SDK, CocoaPod or direct download, Personally I preferred the download way. Follow the official document procedure 2.Get configuration file   3.Copy to project … Continue reading

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How to fix – There was an internal API error

There was an internal API error XCode build app 至 iPhone 時出現此錯誤 解決方法: Target->Build Setting->Product Name Remove any “weird” characters and keep there only English characters.

Posted in iOS development | 4 Comments

Unable to create description in descriptionForLayoutAttribute_layoutItem_coefficient. Something is nil

Unable to create description in descriptionForLayoutAttribute_layoutItem_coefficient. Something is nil   Symptom: Normal but crash in iOS 7 device. Possible reason : Use some “Baseline” constraints (Only supported after iOS 8) in storyboard. Solution : Remove any “Baseline” constraints of that … Continue reading

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XCode SVN is not under version control

That is the keyword I Googled for solution and no luck. I’m too old to learn new source control mechanism like Git so I stuck on SVN with XCode. It works perfect usually but sometimes it show “xxx is not … Continue reading

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Custom URL schemes practice

Let’s define something in this scenario : 1.Receiver app – to be invoked via custom URL 2.Sender app – who wants to invoke the app 3.Custom URL scheme – define as “happygo”     For Receiver app, here’s what to … Continue reading

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iOS Watchkit Development – paired device unavailable for development

I had this problem twice, I googled the same article to do the same actions to fix. Here I wrote down to remember myself. Error : “paired device unavailable for development” showed in XCode when new to Apple Watch Fix … Continue reading

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