[iOS 8 / iPhone 6(Plus)] Feedback is welcome.

Since iOS 8 / iPhone 6 (Plus) was released to the market, there would be some unexpected situation happened to all the iOS app.

Please feel free to provide feedback about any issues regarding iOS 8 / iPhone 6 (Plus).

Thanks for your help.


P.S. There’s already one comment about “Dated Camera failed to work on iOS 8”, we’ve tested on iOS 8 (iPhone 5)  and it works fine. Hope that anyone using iPhone 6(Plus) / iOS 8 could provide some feedback about how the “Dated Camera” app works on iOS 8, really really appreciate and thanks.

This entry was posted in Dated Camera, 迷你跑馬燈, iOS development, 日期相片相機. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to [iOS 8 / iPhone 6(Plus)] Feedback is welcome.

  1. rita says:

    updated to ios8.0.2, app on longer work

  2. Angel Chen says:

    Dear Developer ,

    您好,我們是TA media-屬於台灣大哥大的行動行銷部;

    TA media提供您專業且高穩定的SDK以及優渥的廣告收益。
    TA media官方網站 http://www.tamedia.com.tw/index.html



    TA Media期待能有與您合作的機會,

    This is TA Media – belonged to Taiwan Mobile CO. , which is the leading carrier in Taiwan.
    We are reaching you for app ads cooperation.

    TA Media knows the best about what developer cares.
    Both our android and iOS SDK could be fully compatible with AdMob Ad Network Mediation, and they are of high stability.
    Additionally, our fill-rate nears 100% and the revenue is also attractive.
    While our official website is now being annually updated, it’s temporary not available.

    If you are willing to, we could discuss the CPC, CPM, or any other special methods that monetize your APPs.
    We are looking forward to this opportunity.

    Feel free to send me any feedback J


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